No single source of truth for informal banking data for public & private entities. Data collection & validation is still a hassle for NGO practitioners
The data collection, compilation, and validation process was offline and done manually, this created a high margin error, and the data was not trustworthy
and not get acted upon.
Role: UI/UX Designer
Tools: Figma, Miro, Notion
Design a savings groups map that demonstrates the status of the savings groups in Rwanda
My task was to design a high-definition savings groups map
to illustrate complex insights & processes into simple and digestible UIs
by location countrywide
I was the sole UI/UX designer.
How might we enable NGO practitioners to upload, compile savings
groups data and for users and potential investors to visualize
and digest data about saving groups' status in Rwanda easily?
> Carry out moderated interviews with users
> Rapidly prototype different solutions
User research
Here are some of the main points of concern.
A real-time web application to break down complex savings groups
insights into a simple and digestible digital map UI.
> Design system
> SGs data upload (NGO portal designed)
> Visualize SGs insight on the National map (Digital map designed)
> NGO management (Admin portal designed)
Thank you for reading :)